Heirloom Tomatoes
20+ Varieties of Farm Fresh Tomatoes!
Heirloom tomatoes have regained their popularity in recent years. Grown from seeds which have been saved through generations, these favorites have that “old-fashioned” flavor which is sometimes lost in supermarket varieties. Heirlooms tend to be a bit more perishable than hybrids but rank high in flavor and come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Verrill Farm specializes in growing over 20 varieties of fresh tomatoes and sells vine-ripened tomatoes at the stand during the growing season. All of our fresh tomatoes are sold by name, so you can easily find your favorite variety when you shop.
Verrill Farm grown heirloom and hybrid tomatoes are available at the farm stand from approximately the end of July through the end of September. You’ll find new varieties and old favorites for slicing, sauces and to ‘put up’ for a taste of summer all year long!
Our annual August Corn & Tomato Festival is one of our most popular annual events and the perfect opportunity to taste over 20 varieties of fresh tomatoes and find your favorite. Please stop by!
Verrill Farm Tomato Seedlings
If you are looking for Verrill Farm tomatoes direct from your own garden, visit our farm stand during mid to late May to pick up one of our 20+ types of tomato seedlings. Below is a list of the seedling varieties that will be available for sale at the farm stand. Seedlings are sold first come, first serve.
Verrill Farm Tomato Seedlings & Descriptions
- Aussie: Huge red fruits, bursting with flavor, nice blend of acids and sugars, old fashioned taste, big show-off tomato. H, I.
- Black Prince: Chocolate colored fruit. Outstanding tomato from Russia with good yield, excellent balance flavor, should be picked before it looks ripe. H, I.
- Brandywine: Deep Pink tomato. Very rich tasting large fruit, the classic heirloom loved by all! H, I.
- Carbon: Delicious, highly productive black heirloom. H.
- Cherokee Green: Unique color, great flavor. H.
- Mortgage Lifter: A pink/red tomato. Large fruit with a meaty interior and few seeds. A very old heirloom variety in high demand. H, I.
- Paul Robeson: Black colored tomato. Complex, sweet and tangy with beautiful deep maroon color. An old Russian heirloom. H, I.
- Big Beef: Traditional red tomato. All American Selections Winner, impressive yields, wonderful classic old time tomato flavor, good slicer. Hy, I.
- Chef’s Choice: Orange tomato. Disease resistant, early maturing. I.
- Jet Star: Medium red tomato. Big yields, low acid, free of cracks and scars with great flavor – thin skin. Hy, I.
- Martha Washington: Large pink tomato with soft pink flesh. I.
- Sun Gold: Golden cherry tomato. Early with intense fruity flavor. Taste it once and you are hooked! Hy, I.
- Super Sweet 100: An excellent red cherry full of flavor. Bright red with great yields. A long time favorite. Hy, I.
- San Marzano: Red medium sized tomato. The standard for paste tomatoes. Low in juice, large yields, excellent flavor, the classic Italian plum! I.
I: Indeterminate (climbing/vining): These varieties have vines that keep producing new shoots and blossoms even after fruit set; these varieties should be staked or trellised due to the vigorous nature of the plants; fruit ripens continuously over an extended period.
H: Heirloom: Old fashioned varieties which have been grown for decades; all seed is open pollinated, plants grow true to type from seed.
Hy: Hybrid F1: Seeds developed through intentional crossing of varieties. Seed from these fruits will not produce the same fruit as the mother plant